Thursday, April 17, 2008

Visiting Pazhou International Exhibition Center - Pazhou

These few days I ve been extremely busy searching around Guangzhou for lady bags. My girlfriend wants to sell ladies bags in our hometown, and we have heard that Guangzhou is the place if you want to find cheap and good quality lady handbags. So there I was, in a Leather Center, wandering around and bargain to get the cheap and nice quality.

I really like the way that China Government organizing the business complex here. In Guangzhou, for example, they have A Massive Building specialising in Garments (Textile, garment accessories), another business complex specialised in Leather ( Shoe, Ladies Bags, Travel Bags), and another business complex specialised in IT products. Inside the business complex, there are hundred until thousand of related companies. So you don't need to wandering around different places just to find the related products.

This morning the weather of Guangzhou is not nice at all. There is strong wind along with raining cats and dogs from early morning until this evening, and the result of such weather is a lot of people can get sick, including me. So most of the time I spent today is at home.

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