Thursday, April 10, 2008

A New " Checked Baggage Handling Fee" from Airasia

This morning, I got notice one of the advertisement by Airasia, stating there is a new cost added, called Checked Baggage Handling Fee, in which people who travel with Airasia have to register their checked baggage before or during check - in process, and PAY for it. The good news is if you register 24 hours before the departure time, you will get discounts, but the bad news is .... YOU STILL HAVE TO PAY.

First, I found the new add-on are rather annoying, because it should have included in the service of airline, and not should be us who should claim how many baggage we took during our journey, and WE HAVE TO PAY FOR IT, but after i browse on the policy regarding this, the site claims that it meant to lower the cost for those who travels without baggages (only Hand luggage), in which it pull out the handling fee from the fare.

But still, sometimes society are asking for convenience and efficiency compare to prices. I can't tell whether Airasia has been thinking about the statement above when they plan to launch the idea. Well, it's just USD 1 difference, in which we can tell that almost nobody will scream when they pay USD 1 or 2 in exchange for convenience.

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